Wondering how we could work together? Want my help to ensure that your group process is fun, accessible, educational, and ultimately successful? Have questions for me?

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Service Overview

Let’s cut to the chase: You want to know how the work that you’re doing is making an impact on the world.

We can help you answer that question.

If your foundation is strong and you want a team to come together to plot world domination err, what’s next, consider engaging with us for your next strategic plan. If your ultimate goal is to recognize where you’ve been and where you’re going, learn more about strategy, and walk away with a roadmap to increased success and decreased confusion, this is the perfect service for you.

If you struggle to understand and/or articulate the impact of your work, you are a great candidate for a program, service, or organizational evaluation. This is the best choice if you want a deep understanding of what’s working, what isn’t, and how to course correct by utilizing your strengths. This is also a perfect service for an organization that is proactively seeking funding or increased influence in its sector.

If your desire is to go even deeper and put systems in place to harvest information, consider metrics and analyses. Want a numerical understanding of your organization, or the world around you? Want to collect information constantly so that evaluation comes easily and quickly? If you answered yes to either question, a metrics program will enable you to meet your goals.